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Англо-русский строительный словарь - shop


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка shop на русский

магазин, торговое помещение торговый зал, торгово-выставочный зал мастерская, цех bending and reinforcement assembly shop coffee shop joinery shop metal working shop reinforcement shop self-service shop steel contractor's shop
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См. в других словарях

  1) (Интернет-)магазин 2) узел обработки данных – one-stop shop – open shop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) делать покупки 2) лавка 3) магазин 4) мастерская 5) цех 6) цеховый carriage repair shop — вагоноремонтный цех factory and shop lumber — столярный пиломатериал floating repair shop — плавучая мастерская lose shop adjustment — нарушать заводскую регулировку sheet-metal pressworking shop — цех холодной листовой штамповки shop conveyance and hoisting — внутрицеховой транспорт tire repair shop — вулканизационная мастерская - assembling shop - blanking shop - blast-furnace shop - book-stitching shop - calendering shop - canning shop - car repair shop - cooperage shop - electroplating shop - erecting shop - finishing shop - forge shop - hardening shop - joiner's shop - machine shop - maintenance shop - molding shop - open-hearth shop - pattern shop - pilot shop - roll shop - rolling-mill shop - service shop - shop auxiliaries - shop costs - shop hand - shop layout - shop rivet - stock-preparation shop - tinning shop - tool shop - van shop - vulcanization shop - welding shop - wiring shop - wood shop - wood-working shop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) торг., брит. магазин; лавка (небольшое предприятие розничной торговли, чаще всего торгующее каким-л. одним видом товара) to keep a shop — содержать магазин jumble shop — магазин подержанных товаров Syn: "store See: "provision shop, "pet shop, "haberdashery shop, "retailing institution, "stall, "stand, "counter 2) эк. (производственный) цех, (производственный) участок See: machine shop 3) общ. мастерская repairs shop — ремонтная мастерская shoe repair shop — мастерская по ремонту обуви tailor's shop — мастерская портного 4) эк. организация, учреждение; заведение; предприятие; дело shop characteristics — технологические свойства материала to set up shop — начать дело, основать предприятие See: union shop "lettershop 5) разг. профессиональные дела, интересы shop talk — разговор на профессиональные темы (особенно во внерабочее время ) to sink the shop — избегать узкопрофессиональных тем, скрывать свою профессию (свое занятие) Syn: office 6) упр. профсоюз See: shop committee shop council shop steward SHOP 1. сущ. 1) производственный цех 2) мастерская 3) предприятие 4) магазин; лавка • - Bucket shop - agency shop - anti-union closed shop - assembly shop - bridal shop - captive shop - closed shop with an open union - closed shop - development shop - dues shop - duty-free shop - engineering shop - junk shop - keep a shop - machine shop - mixed shop - mobile shop - multiple shop - non-union closed shop - open shop - preferential union shop - set up a...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. лавка, магазин dirty shop —- грязная лавчонка fashionable shop —- фешенебельный магазин grocer's shop —- бакалейная лавка baker's shop —- булочная chemist's shop —- аптека general shop —- универсальный магазин shop hours —- часы торговли to keep (a) shop —- (со)держать лавку; быть торговцем, заниматься торговлей to set up (a) shop —- открыть лавку; стать лавочником 2. специализированный магазинчик или отдел универмага a millinery shop —- магазин или отдел женских головных уборов 3. буфет, закусочная a sandwich shop —- бутербродная a beer shop —- пивнушка tea shop —- (маленькое) кафе 4. мастерская; ателье a repair shop —- ремонтная мастерская carpenter's shop —- плотничья мастерская blacksmith's shop —- кузница a tailor's shop —- ателье мужской одежды 5. цех (завода) the shop —- цеха (в отличие от конторы, управления) a foundry shop —- литейная, литейный цех machine shop —- механическая мастерская 6. фабрика, завод; предприятие closed shop —- предприятие, принимающее на работу только членов профсоюза open shop —- предприятие, принимающее на работу как членов, так и нечленов профсоюза 7. разг. учреждение, заведение, предприятие the shop —- студ. университет; театр. театр; полит. палата общин the other shop —- конкурирующее предприятие to set up shop —- начать дело, открыть...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  window витрина to have everything in the shop window, to have all ones goods in the shop window -  а) быть поверхностным человеком;  б) выставлять все напоказ SHOP round  а) присматриваться к ценам, качеству товаров и т.п.; подбирать подходящий товар (в разных магазинах) Dont buy the first television set, spend a little time shopping round for the best price.  б) coll. искать (работу, место, идею, лучшую возможность и т.п.) I wont take the first job thats offered; I need to shop around and see what other chances there are. Voters should shop around among the different politicians to see who will truly represent their interests. SHOP  1. noun  1) лавка, магазин  2) мастерская, цех - closed shop - open shop  3) coll. заведение, учреждение, предприятие  4) профессия, занятие; дела, вопросы, темы, связанные с чьей-л. профессией; stop thinking of shop! - хватит думать о делах/работе!; to talk shop - говорить о делах, говорить на узкопрофессиональные темы во время общего разговора (в гостях и т.п.)  5) attr. цеховой; shop committee - цеховой комитет; shop chairman amer. - цеховой староста to come to the wrong shop - обратиться не по адресу - all over the shop - get a shop - lift a shop - shut up shop  2. v.  1) делать покупки (обыкн. go shopping)  2) amer. ходить по магазинам, чтобы ознакомиться с ценами, присмотреть вещь  3) sl. сажать в тюрьму  4) sl. выдавать (сообщника) - shop around - shop round - shop on SHOP around  а) присматриваться к...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) цех 2) мастерская; (небольшой) завод 3) склад 4) швейн. секция сборки и окончательной отделки изделия 5) магазин 6) бригада стеклодувов - arc-furnace melting shop - arc-furnace shop - assembly shop - auto repair shop - blank production shop - blowing shop - boat-building shop - boat shop - bolt and rivet shop - calender shop - closed shop - CNC shop - computer shop - computerized machine shop - cooper's shop - electrical repair shop - engineering shop - erecting shop - fitting shop - fitting-out shop - floating shop - food shop - forging shop - frozen food shop - high-style shop - hull shop - instrument shop - jobbing shop - job shop - kiln shop - ladle-repair shop - locomotive shop - machine shop - mill guide shop - mine maintenance shop - mixture-preparation shop - molding shop - open shop - overhaul shop - painting shop - pipe control shop - pipe shop - polishing shop - press shop - printing shop - recapping shop - repairing shop - repair shop - roll shop - roll-turning shop - sagger shop - scene shop - stamping shop - staple product shop - test shop - tire repair shop - toolmaker's shop - trade shop - wheel shop - winding shop ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a building, room, etc., for the retail sale of goods or services (chemist's shop; betting-shop). 2 a place in which manufacture or repairing is done; a workshop (engineering-shop). 3 a profession, trade, business, etc., esp. as a subject of conversation (talk shop). 4 colloq. an institution, establishment, place of business, etc. --v. (shopped, shopping) 1 intr. a go to a shop or shops to buy goods. b US = window-shop. 2 tr. esp. Brit. sl. inform against (a criminal etc.). Phrases and idioms all over the shop colloq. 1 in disorder (scattered all over the shop). 2 in every place (looked for it all over the shop). 3 wildly (hitting out all over the shop). set up shop establish oneself in business etc. shop around look for the best bargain. shop assistant Brit. a person who serves customers in a shop. shop-boy (or -girl) an assistant in a shop. shop-floor workers in a factory etc. as distinct from management. shop-soiled 1 (of an article) soiled or faded by display in a shop. 2 (of a person, idea, etc.) grubby; tarnished; no longer fresh or new. shop steward a person elected by workers in a factory etc. to represent them in dealings with management. shop-window 1 a display window in a shop. 2 an opportunity for displaying skills, talents, etc. shop-worn = shop-soiled. Derivatives shopless adj. shoppy adj. Etymology: ME f. AF & OF eschoppe booth f. MLG schoppe, OHG scopf porch ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~pe, from Old English sceoppa booth; akin to Old High German scopf shed  Date: 14th century  1. a handicraft establishment ; atelier  2.  a. a building or room stocked with merchandise for sale ; store  b. (also ~pe) a small retail establishment or a department in a large one offering a specified line of goods or services a millinery ~ a sandwich ~  3. a commercial establishment for the making or repair of goods or machinery machine ~ repair ~  4.  a. a school laboratory equipped for industrial arts education  b. the art or science of working with tools and machinery  5.  a. a business establishment ; office a public relations ~  b. ~talk talking ~  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1764  intransitive verb  1.  a. to examine goods or services with intent to buy  b. to hunt through a market in search of the best buy  2. to make a search ; hunt ~ping around for a better idea  transitive verb  1. British to inform on ; betray  2. to examine the stock or offerings of ~ the stores for Christmas gift ideas  3. to offer for consideration or acceptance; especially to offer for sale or in a trade — often used with around ~ping the manuscript around ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shops, shopping, shopped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A shop is a building or part of a building where things are sold. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use store) ...health food shops. ...a record shop... It’s not available in the shops. = store N-COUNT 2. When you shop, you go to shops and buy things. He always shopped at the Co-op. ...some advice that’s worth bearing in mind when shopping for a new carpet. ...customers who shop once a week. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv, V • shopper (shoppers) ...crowds of Christmas shoppers. N-COUNT 3. You can refer to a place where a particular service is offered as a particular type of shop. ...the barber shop where Rodney sometimes had his hair cut. ...your local video shop. N-COUNT: n N 4. If you shop someone, you report them to the police for doing something illegal. (BRIT INFORMAL) His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police... Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours. VERB: V n to n, be V-ed 5. see also shopping, chip shop, coffee shop, corner shop, paper shop, pawn shop, print shop, sex shop, tea shop, talking shop, thrift shop 6. If something is happening all over the shop, it is happening in many different places or throughout a wide area. (BRIT INFORMAL) This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution. PHRASE: PHR after v 7. If you set up shop, you start a business. He set up shop as an independent PR consultant... PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you say that people are talking shop, you mean that they are talking about their work, and this is boring for other people who do not do the same work. If you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end up talking shop. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PLACE WHERE YOU BUY THINGS« a) BrE a building or part of a building where things are sold to the public; store AmE  (The shops in town close at 5.30. | toy shop/pet shop etc)  (Have you seen that new shoe shop?) b) a small shop that sells one particular type of thing  (a candle shop)  (- see also bucket shop, corner shop, coffee shop) 2 »MAKING/REPAIRING THINGS« a place where things are made or repaired  (After assembly, the cars go to the paint shop to be painted. | a repair shop)  (- see also shop floor, shop steward) 3 »SCHOOL SUBJECT« AmE a subject taught in schools that shows students how to use tools and machinery to make things out of wood and metal 4 set up shop informal to start a business 5 shut up shop informal to close a shop or business, either temporarily or permanently 6 talk shop informal to talk about things that are connected to your work, especially in a way that other people find boring  (I'm fed up with you two talking shop.) 7 all over the shop BrE spoken a) scattered around untidily  (There were bits of paper all over the shop.) b) confused and disorganized  (I'm all over the shop this morning.) 8 »GO SHOPPING« BrE spoken an occasion when you go shopping, especially for food and other things you need regularly  (doing the weekly shop) ~2 v shopped, shopping 1 to go to one or more shops to buy things + for  (I was shopping for a new dress, but couldn't find anything I liked.)  (- see also window­shopping) 2 go shopping a) BrE to go to one or more shops to buy things, often for enjoyment b) especially AmE to go to shops to buy clothes 3 BrE informal to tell the police about someone who has done something illegal  (He was shopped by his ex-wife.) - shopper n shop around phr v to compare the price and quality of different things before you decide which to buy  (Shop around before you decide which insurance policy to take out.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Sexual Health Outreach Project univ. abbr. Students Helping Others Planetwide univ. abbr. Students Helping Other People educ. abbr. Students Helping Older People educ. abbr. School Health Opportunities And Progress educ. abbr. School Holiday Options Program religion abbr. Solid Hour Of Praise gen. bus. abbr. Students Helping Others Plantwide NASDAQ abbr. SHOPPING.COM NASDAQ abbr. Shopsmith, Inc. st. exc. abbr. Stock High Output Performance ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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